George Condo American, b. 1957

George Condo is an acclaimed American artist known for his adventurous, genre-blending paintings that merge elements of European old master techniques with contemporary pop culture and a distinctly imaginative vision. Born in Concord, New Hampshire, Condo was introduced to art at an early age through his mother's sculptural practice. After studying art education at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell, he relocated to Boston and quickly emerged as a pioneering figure redefining postmodern painting. Condo's exuberant canvases fuse disparate artistic sources into engaging, psychologically charged scenes populated by grotesque yet captivating characters. His uniquely unsettling visual language draws inspiration from Picasso, de Kooning, Arcimboldo, and Goya while incorporating graffiti, comics, and contemporary imagery. Fragmented bodies mingle with abstractions in chaotic tableaus that upend traditional narratives. He is perhaps best known for his iconic Forced Warp Paintings that superimpose abstract markings atop portraiture to produce hallucinatory, contorted effects. Other series feature bizarre hybrid figures like the manic, multi-faced Prtr/Clwn sculptures that render the human form in exaggerated, mask-like interpretations. Bridging the historical and contemporary, Condo's inventive, psychologically charged works have solidified his status as an artistic innovator. His influential oeuvre has been celebrated worldwide, from representing the U.S. at the Venice Biennale in 1999 to collaborating with Kanye West and staging major retrospectives. Condo continues to evolve his distinct aesthetic, imaginatively harnessing the power of painting to depict uncanny, dream-like visions that disrupt perceptions and expand artistic possibilities.